22nd August 2019
Dental Implants or Dentures?
Both being very popular in regard to filling a gap in your teeth, with one being more permanent than the other, you’re probably wondering what the differences are between dental implants and dentures and which one is best suited to you? Here at Beeston Dental we provide the option for either treatment or hope to help you make a decision by listing which one is best for you below.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth and fit into your jawbone using a titanium screw (or series of, depending on your individual treatment needs) and a tooth shaped crown is placed on top to close the gap in your teeth. Because the titanium root fuses with your jawbone, a well-kept implant could last you up to a lifetime.
What are dentures?
Dentures on the other hand are removable and temporary tooth replacement devices also known as ‘false teeth’ that are worn over your gums for more cosmetically pleasing smile, They may need to be secured with denture glue on the roof of your mouth, and they must be taken out every night to soak before they are replaced in your mouth the next day.
The drawbacks of having dentures
Permanent tooth replacement has been regarded as the better option rather than temporary. Dentures have many drawbacks that can lead to some wearers becoming increasingly frustrated with them, including the often messy and distasteful feeling of denture glue. It is also reported that due to the adhesive not performing as well as it should, dentures can also slip and dislodge when eating, talking and laughing which can create embarrassing moments if you’re unprepared for their unannounced fall outs.
Effects on your dental health
Dental implants have more benefits to your dental health than dentures do because of their permanent fixation. With them being fixed in your jawbone, this enables the bone to be encouraged to stay strong, aligned and alive in order to support the replacement tooth or teeth. Dentures, however, simply act as a cover over the gums therefore provide no stability to the jawbone, which can lead to bone resorption. In some cases, bone work may need to be performed before dental implants are fitted purely because the patient has used dentures for a while before the treatment, causing the bone to be too weak for procedure.
We understand the topic of dentures or implants can make you feel hesitant, but here at Beeston Dental in Nottingham we’d be more than happy to help in consulting you with the best option for you. Get in touch today to book your appointment.